1....We can't sleep...
Getting to sleep, staying asleep, not sleeping for long enough, waking up and being unable to get back to sleep, sleeping but still feeling tired?
2...We can't think...
Are we getting forgetful, keys? phone? conversations, multi-tasking now impossible?
3...We experience impatience...
The usual daily tests make you lose your shit, or you tear up because you just can't cope with ONE more thing going wrong today!
4...We feel overburdened...
Not able to say no to others? the struggles are piling up. Too many people with too many problems? So many meetings to attend and problems to fix. Shoulders feel tight and a migraine threatens. A coronary episode feels imminent. Is it time for a physical? Did you cancel your last me-time meditation/massage/pamper hour?
5...We don't want to socialise-connect with others...
We don't want to be around people and this is due to overwhelm - emotional overwhelm may manifest in people resentment, especially for introverts. We’re already dealing with the fallout of Coronavirus and financial loss and family and health problems...maybe it's manifested into social anxiety too?
6...We become moody...
We find ourselves snapping at the news because they only report the bad stuff. We yell at the kids even though they’re just being kids when they run through the house or draw on walls. We yell at the cars next to us and use words that are better left unspoken. (Well I do anyway!) All those negative emotions are trying to spill out. They need a release valve. If you don’t do something soon, you will either explode or you’ll internalise which can lead to emotional implosion.
7...We cant meditate (or pray)
Being able to relax and focus seems a million miles away, you may feel like you have lost your faith or lost your peace and serenity, no longer being able to quieten your mind adding to the burden of being unable to release the pressures...
8...We feel numb or disconnected...The numbness of emotional overwhelm can actually be more dangerous than moodiness or the expression of negative behaviours. Numbing means we’ve internalised the emotions and now we’re in danger of major problems. But later, sometimes years later, another emotional overload adds to the enormous burden. We find ourselves trying to self-medicate and doing things we never would have imagined. We suddenly realize we are the ones in trouble.
9...We stop having fun...The kids want to go to the cinema or out for pizza but we just want to take a nap. The family wants to meet up do something together but we can’t think of a single place to go. Game night becomes boring. Date night seems impossible. The usual comedy shows that make us laugh now offers no relief. We punch through the channels and consider getting rid of TV because nothing’s on TV anyway!
10...Then finally, we suffer chronic illnesses...
Isn't that the icing on the cake... but not unusual...experiencing a series of colds or flu or a strange repeated virus type thing. This can happen even months after the emotional trauma eases. The body has carried too much for too long and becomes toxic. It unloads those emotional poisons. Unfortunately, many of us wait too long for this wake-up call. One illness after another, because, you're emotionally worn out, physically tired and haven't looked after yourself the way you should.
What to do?.... Pay attention now to the rest your body (and mind) needs and how to take care of yourself. Make time for yourself, checking you have strong boundaries with others, eating healthy and exercising and being out in the fresh air daily helps. Further to that enlist the help of a trusted counsellor, someone to listen to how you're feeling and help you get your direction and mojo back. Not all counsellors just listen, some can help you with motivation and direction in life, and address all the things that you may want to change. Getting back on track can be hard without some help and support.